CIT conference in London

Yesterday I've been attending the Continuous Integration Testing conference.

It was held in London within the classy Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington.

It was a great 2 days and my brain is still full of things: new ideas, wise words from many smart people, ...

It will take me quite a few posts to report about it, so I'll start by getting the simple details out of my way:

  • It's an Open Space conference, first time for me: I'm buying it completely as it as a great way to learn and share

  • The food was great :-)

  • I came to the conference to see what people are doing in this area and was pleased to see that what I was doing in my team appears to be common good practices (more on that later)

  • It's quite Java-centric

definitely more later when my ideas and thoughts are sorted