Using Dynamic Scripting Languages for Mac OS X Application Development

A couple of years ago I played with something called Camel Bones.
It is a Cocoa framework with a perl module an Xcode template.
It allow a programmer to use perl to write desktop Cocoa application for Mac OSX
It was fun, although the application built are not the fastest in the world.

I was thinking of that when I read this blog article about dynamic language to write Mac OSX desktop application. I'm particularly looking forward to Objective-C 2.0 and it's new garbage collector.
That will make a big change, as I remember that when writing a Cocoa application with objective-C, a programmer has to handle manually memory allocation and de-allocation.

I don't entirely agree with Scott Stevenson when he says that Obj-C 2.0 will obviate the need of using a dynamic language to write Mac OSX application: One of the reason of doing so is to give practitioner of a popular scripting language an entry point to Mac OSX programming. Also it facilitates cross-platform reusability.
If you've written a perl application with CLI on Solaris, you can make it a GUI application on Mac OSX by adding a GUI layer using Camel Bone or using TK to get it work on Linux. Additionally, outside Mac OSX, Obj-C hasn't got a huge user base as perl and python have.

These bridged applications won't be as fast and as integrated to Mac OSX as a native Objc-C application though.

_Using Dynamic Scripting Languages for Mac OS X Application Development: "

There's been a lot of interesting discussion over the last week regarding the use of dynamic scripting languages for programming desktop applications. Here are a few links that caught my eye.


(Via Daring Fireball.)